Monday, October 25, 2010

Briefer and Apology!!!

Omg! It has literally been months since I last posted. I've been so busy and had so much to do since moving to Houston, Texas for school. I am loving it and everything although I do miss loved ones. I'm meeting new people and also learning more about my family I do have here. I'm loving the american way and opportunities and love combining it with Bahamian things. However, I will not lose my accent! I shall not! I will not convert my casual, informal language for an american one! (sorry, hehe)LOL. This is just a brief update but if you are a subscriber you will see that I have put up videos and stuff. I will probably put up an actual vlog update sometime soon.
Love Always!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sorry I've been MIA :\

Yea I'm sorry! I have been gone from this blog for sometime but I am starting to get back into it lol. If you are a subscriber or frequent viewer of my videos you will see that I've started my back to school series and that I am currently preparing to move into dorms :-) [YAY!!] lol...It's pretty awesome so far and I am basically ready to move right into my dorm--> Move in Date is August 15th <3 well thats all for now getting a bit lazy but I shall update you guys throughout the process! remember to check out my YouTube channel ;-)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

mOrE NoTe TaGs :)

1. Your name spelled backwards. Aronyahs Bworb... :) potential child’s name! NOT!
2. Where were your parents born? Mom and Dad born and raised in the Bahamas.
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? I picture I picnicked – maybe i’ll post it up...
4. What's your favorite restaurant? Well whatever tastes nice..but for buffets I like Seagrapes and Seaside Buffet...
5. Last time you swam in a pool? Um Monday :)
6. Have you ever been in a school play? Yes! Who hasn’t?
7. How many kids do you want? Um one please!! LOL maybe 2 the most...
8. Type of music you dislike most? Probably opera and hard core metal rock...
9. Are you registered to vote? Nope..i can now finally cause i’m 18 ;)
10. Do you have cable? Yes
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? Haha well duh! Doesn’t everyone...
12. Ever prank call anybody? Once again with the “duh” questions..i mean who hasn’t
13. Ever get a parking ticket? Nope...dnt want one! lol
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Umm bungee jumping...but i really dnt want to choose..i rather walk away slowly :-o
15. Furthest place you ever traveled? Aberdeen, Scotland
16. Do you have a garden? Nope
17. What's your favorite comic strip? I have none :|
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? Yes :) my teacher made sure of it lol
19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower in the mornings...they’re refreshing and really wake you up!
20. Best movie you've seen in the past month? Eclipse ;)
21. Favorite pizza topping? Peporonni..mushroom...sweet pepper...preferably all together
22. Chips or popcorn? At this moment, chips
23. What color lipstick do you usually wear? I dnt really have much to choose from but when i do wear it its a NYX plumy neutral color [i really am bad at describing it lol]
24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? WTF? U can do that :\
25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? need for it...
26. Orange or Apple juice? ORANGE ALL THE WAY BABY!!
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? UM :\ i really dnt know the answer to this...bahaha
28. Favorite type chocolate bar? Cadbury’s Milk Chocolate!
29. When was the last time you voted at the polls? Never..just for student council lol
30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? Idk..i never know what type of growing situation it was in...just that its in my fridge :\
31. Have you ever won a trophy? Yes! For a lot of things..i’m actually real athletic and active...
32. Are you a good cook? I think I am...i mean at this point I only need to please myself! :)
33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? I’m sure i’ll figure it out.
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? No dude. I’m broke.
35. Sprite or 7-up? Sprite
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Somewhat. But for all my school life, I had too.
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? A fruit bar popsicle YAY LOL
38. Ever throw up in public? not in public view lol
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? True love...
40. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope...what can u love? The way they look :\
41. Ever call a 1-900 number? Nope...
42. Can exes be friends? Yea I guess...
43. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? Um my grandfather...but that was a lil while ago..everythings good now...
44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? yea
45. What message is on your answering machine? I have no answering belongs to my parents lol
46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? Dnt no :\ Tina Fey!!!
47. What was the name of your first pet?
48. What is in your purse? A lot! Maybe i’ll do a video soon...
49. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? Um watch youtube videos and stuff
50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? LIFE :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I finally decided that I wanted a tattoo of a bird on my hip/side..small and not big...
I will explain my reasons later but i wanted to share some idea of what I want...

I also want to put "Freedom" in either French or Italian..whichever looks best ;-)

I'm kinda liking the second pic more for the actual tattoo and the first pic represents the placement 8-D

The Countdown is ON!!

Yes! I know I've said this over and over but I am really starting to see how close it really is until I move for school!

I am excited to go shopping especially and get things that I need and have somewhat been saving up for lol. Stay tuned! and I have done 2 videos but I am too darn lazy to edit upload and what not...soon tho ;-)

Cute Pics :)


Friday, July 16, 2010


Get to know me!
I saw Kayla’s recent blog and I thought this was an awesome Idea!! So please enjoy 

1.How late did you stay up last night and why?
Um probably no later than 12 because that my goal now that I have to wake up early for work..and because I was watching YouTube videos as always lol

2. What was the first thing you thought this morning?
I thought wow! I actually feel like I’ve had enough sleep...that is until i started my drive to work haha

3. Is the person you have a crush on older or younger than you?
hmmm I dnt think I have a crush :\ but I prefer older guys most def!

4. What did you do last night?
I watched YouTube videos, facebooked and messaged people [the norm]

5. Do you own anything that cost more than 1000 dollars?
My High School Diploma LOL all those years of school fee sure do add up! One semester was more that $1000

6. Have you ever ran with scissors?
not to my knowledge :-s

7. Have you ever talked to Tom?
You can talk to him :\

8. Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it?
Nope...never felt that way...

9. How is your day so far?
Pretty good! But super long and draining  but its the weekend baby haha

10. Do you want to go to college?
Hell yea! I already started :p

11. What were you doing this afternoon at 12pm?
making spaghetti...watching videos and making videos 

12. Whats your favorite season?
hmmm idk spring and fall because in spring its not as hot yet and in fall its not as cold...

13. Last thing you ate/drank?
water and crab salad sandwich

14. When was the last time you cried and the reasons?
um haha a little personal but idc :p i was mad cause my parents told me they weren’t gonna give me money for a relaxer and im broke and almost 5 months post!

15. Are you single?
yip yip yo!

16. Name something you cannot wait for?
Move In date..well travelling to college!!

17. What did you do for your last birthday?
um I had my friends over for my birthday all day and we went driving and went to my bestie who just came in from school!! We went to Frogs on the weekend..

18. How many kids do you want to have?
1! 2 the max

19. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
not to my knowledge but boy i wonder when some people talk to me via any form of txt [messenger included]

20. How many red lights have you ran?
ummm... i in my opinion never ran a red light..however i have caught the beginning of a red light while i was half way across ;-)

21. Have you ever cried while taking a shower?
whats the significance of this question? Is this a normal think...and no i haven’t..

22. What was your favorite grade?
um grade 11 and 12 minus the coursework and BGCSEs

23. What were you doing at 12 am last night?
asleep  im a good girl

24. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
um i took of that application on facebook and to my knowledge probably yes or have already

25. Have you ever, in any way, been betrayed by someone you trusted?
yea...i had to really think about this question but i say yes but i may not have dropped them as friends, i just lost faith/trust in them and ended up forgiving..however nothing was major...

26. When was the last time you were given roses? and from who?
um maybe at JA Banquet or prom...wait that wasn’t a rose haha!! Oh for Debutantes when I passed over my title 

27. Plans for tomorrow?
Hopefully going to the mall for concealer that i hope is there!

28. When did your last hug take place?
haha this afternoon...those little rascals at camp can really touch ya heart!

29. Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name?
yea haha @ first glance people pronounce it wrong and when i say it they tend to leave out my “y” (Shaynora) but when i correct them they end up getting it lol

30. Have you ever started a sentence with -No offense, but...?
yea but not a lot or of recent

31. Do you drink tea?
Yip! Its what gets me going everyday at Camp!

32. When was the last time you saw a cop?
today but not necessarily the person but the vehicle on the road ;)

33. Did you ride in someone elses car today?
someone’s bus haha

34. Have you made a mistake in the past week?
Well Duh! No one is perfect for 24 hours let alone a whole week!

35. What song are you listening to right now?
um Airplanes!!! I love B.O.B. and Hayley [something lol]

36. Who was the last person to text you?
Carlie <3

37. Do you miss someone?
Yea I haven’t seen my friends in over a week!

38. Is there anything you regret about your past?
Nope...i really dnt care anymore because I’m loving where am at now and the past added to my present

39. Are you happy with your life?
 -does that help? lol

40. What was the last movie you watched?
um Centre Stage...i love it!

41. Have you ever touched an elephant?
nope had an opportunity tho...

42. Who was the last person to call you?
my mother...

43. Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
open and occasionally closed..

44. Do you sleep with the light on or off?
off wth? What kind of question is this lol

45. What is your favorite hobby?
DANCE. Making and soccer

46. Do you own a pair of Nikes?
nope not at the moment

47. Do you have any pets?

48. What were you doing at 11 a.m. this morning?
Listening to spoken word at a church service for the campers

49. Is there a difference between the word best friend and good friend?
Oh heck ya!

50. Has anybody on your top ever admitted to liking you?
If it still existed in my facebook life...yes lol

51. Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone a lot?
umm if you mean like someone to have a serious relationship with them um i have no idea lol

52. Are you afraid of clowns?
No but they are creepy

53. When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
idk i dnt keep records lol

54. Who is your celebrity crush?
Channing Tatum but im bug cause i want the truth about his sexual orientation...!

55. Do you know anybody who was abused?

56. Favorite fruit?
Oranges 

57. Do you take walks often?
Not really but I want too...i just dnt like my neighbourhood lol

58. Have you ever had a reoccurring nightmare?
Nope I dnt have nightmares cause I ask God to not let me have any...

59. Is silence really golden?
it can be but i dnt like it too much cause i overthink things

60. What did you do a week ago tonight?
I went to an Independence Celebration!! Woot 37 years...

61. Who is your favorite rapper?
Travie Mcoy um B.O.B. man i cnt remember lol

62. Are you afraid to grow up?

63. Who are your Top 4?
man i dnt categorize especially cus i dnt have a bf

64. What language are you taking?
i took French for a long time but i still suck!

65. Any upcoming vacations? moving to school

66. Would you call yourself smart?

67. Do you like to read?
Yes but i’ve been slunking 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Good Morning All :)

I decided to leave you with some words of inspiration I found this morning...

Never blame any day in your life.
Good days give u happiness,
Bad days give u experience.
Worst days give u a lesson.
Have a good morning and great day ahead.


Monday, July 12, 2010

First Week @ Camp!!

My first week @ camp which is my job for the month of July has left me with mixed emotions about children lol. I am basically in charge of a group of 5-7 yr olds an they can definitely be a handful. They are the youngest campers but trust me they are the most energetic!! Haha. I have to make sure that they are entertained and occupied at all times. It is a must! lol I do like my job and really prefer it over all the other government student jobs that were available. I work from 8:30-2:20 while others work a 9-5 job. Hey! I know I'm luck lol but when you're done with those energetic terrorists it might as well have been a 9-5 office job haha. I can't and will not complain because this job is definitely a blessing that was really needed. As you all know I am moving to the U.S. for school and I can't be there broke. I have things I wanna get and how I was broke for these many months prior it was not a good feeling. I'm telling you that it most definitely sucks! I plan on vlogging as well as blogging and keep you guys updated on my move and transiton progress. I have some upcoming plans like what I want to get and need to get for this upcoming school year. I may also do a moving series whereas I share with you all what I think should be carried and left in my situation. However, I am still unclear to what to bring so I'm not to sure on that one lol. I have soooo many exciting videos to come as I really believe that I am approaching the most exciting part of my life. Well it is definitely by far a change and because of the many upcoming ventures its all sooo new and interesting. I mean I get excited just thinking about it. I also feel like its a real step to my "life"...well after HS graduation. It makes me feel like I am definitely moving forward successfully. LOL I just realize that this was supposed to be about my first week at camp but I think I'm gonna add update to the title lol. Thank you guys for the love and continued support :) I'm getting followers and subscribers slowly but surely. Be sure to check out my channel :)


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


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Saturday, July 3, 2010

YAY!! Happy Thoughts do pay off!!

Yay! I got a job for july you guys! Praise be to God! lol I feel soooo much better and am very grateful to have it. I shall let you guys know the deal on Monday afternoon ;).
Peace Out

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Thoughts :\

I'm trying you guys! really but this summer has by far been the most draining! And it sucks because this is my freshman year summer! It's supposed to be carefree and full of valuable mistakes. Memory making because I am leaving all of my friends and family for school! OMG! and I need a job so freaking bad because I am broke as a bum! [no literally]. I have not even gotten a call. I mean there is still tomorrow and Sunday and I KNOW I AM GETTING THE JOB but it's sad to know that they haven't called yet and my littke sister and several of my friends have been called!!!!!!!!! *BREATH*

I am thinking of doing a video in order to release my feelings in a positive way. It's been so hectic now that everyone I mean everyone is at home! Mom, Dad and both sisters. It's too much nagging and buggin going but I guess it's all necessary right :-S.
Anyhow guys there is 33 more days!! Woot!! although it will be sad to leave everyone I dont think I'm going to feel it as I should because I've been in caveman mode for soooo long :(...

Well back to reality I guess! Love to you all :) and Pray for me ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's been a while!

Hey you all! I know I've been MIA but it's not that I've been extremely busy! It's just that I've been lazy haha. My YouTube Channel is somewhat more up to date but its not like I've been gone for a month. Yesterday was my younger sister's high school graduation and was also a very long day for me lol. And also other great news!! I won a promotion at our local Mall for a Gift Certificate of $20 :) Yay! It may not be plenty but I will surely take it. And I have a chance at the end of the month to win a $500 certificate! SO keep your fingers crossed for me lol. Well that is all for now. I'm thinking of doing vlogs or w.e. on my youtube channel so do stay tuned in for the latest lol.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Leona Lewis Makeup Look!

My mimic of a look of Leona Lewis!
Check out the tutorial on my YouTube Channel <3

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trying to build a regimen!

Ok Ok! I have been stressing over my hair of recent because I am really trying to have a HHJ. However, I'm having some setbacks due to limited funds. So I am trying to build a regimen that encourages healthy growth and maintaining my ends keeping in mind that I'm gonna use what I have. I want to

Wash my hair on Sundays (preferably in the evening most likely starting in the late afternoon)
Prepoo most of the time but not all of the time
Wash with my Mane n Tail Shampoo or Pantene Shampoo (sometimes using both)
Deep Condition always
workout/use hooded dryer for heat (for an hour)
rinse and rollerset to airdry overnight
rinse moisturize and braid-out to airdry overnight

Tuesdays and Thursdays are Co-wash days
Cowash with Pantene Conditioner
deep condition always
braidout to airdry

Daily: Every evening before bed I will moisturize and seal then wrap my hair


Friday, June 11, 2010

Okay...I didn't keep my promise :(


Alright! just last night I said that I would keep my braids in at least another week but I ended up taking them out (insert cut hip here). I really tried but now that I did it I do not regret it! I have come to the conclusion that braids (extensions) are not for me! I am not going to put any form of braided extensions or twists in my hair ever. It was not worth it as my hair was hard to manage and keep back in shape after taking them out. I have thin, fine hair and the reason I took them out early is because I wasn't sure if my hair could handle it. I was right to an extend as I had a lot of hair loss (yes I know its normal but it was too much for me). Also the tangles were ridiculous. So in my opinion on my hair personally I don't think it's worth it. After taking the braids out I shampoo-ed, DC while detangling, worked out in the main time :) and then rinsed out...put in a leave in then roller set (pics tomorrow hopefully). I am glad this happened in a sense is it is a form of motivation for me! I am ready to get good products (funds are low at this point) and get on point with a workable regimen. I do have a lot of new growth :) well I like how it looks cause I haven't really seen in it in some time now lol. But, I am getting there! Continue to keep me in your prayers as I get it together!

With Love,

p.s. my dad knew why he didn't like those braids for a reason and why they were never put in my hair as a child!




I have decided to make it official and document/monitor my progress. I am travelling this hair journey road! I have been taking better care of my hair significantly since I got it re-relaxed (it was relaxed then i went back natural due to bad care and breakage) in June of 2008. I have vowed to myself from then that I would take better care and I did. However, I know that there is much more that I can do. I have been watching YouTube videos for some time now (years) and feel like I am in a better position to make this possible. I plan to move to the United States this August for school and feel as if I will have more resources available and easy to access. I want my Journey to be one involving relaxing my hair. However, I want to stretch my relaxers to the fullest extent as it will be less costly while I am off to school and healthier for my hair. I joined this community to help me with my progress and to continue to learn. I am so excited about it that I am ready to rip these braids out (not literally) and get to it! haha
I've had the braids in for almost 4 weeks and I want to try to make it one more week but I may take them out on Saturday...but I'm still pushing for my 6 week goal! But please continue to pray for me on this journey! Thanks for the love....


p.s. my father especially can't stand my braids which makes me want to take them out even more! but imma hold on!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

YouTube - Hurry Up Already Fetus Tard!!

YouTube - Hurry Up Already Fetus Tard!!: ""

Boring is the New Normal for Me :(

So today was..yes you guessed it! Boring. I felt weak and tired for majority of the day but at least I was able to act on it and rest to an extend. I also cleaned (wooohoo-party!!). I cleaned the kitchen, moped etc and tidied my room. I'm starting to want to take out my braids again but I'm holding on lol! Well I'm looking forward tomorrow, if O don't get leave, to go with my mother and little sister to my mom's work. Her preschool class is going on a field trip. Yes I know! It's not the greatest adventure for an 18 year old but it's something and I need to get out this house! Well until tomorrow...I shall finish watching these YouTube video and then hit the sheets!

Oh and BTW I made a tribute video to the ShayTards! check it out...


My Movies List!

Movies/Books I need to have for my collection in general!
The Notebook
My Sister's Keeper
Time Traveler's Wife
Twilight Saga (getting a little out there but yea w/e)
Why Did I Get Married
Why Did I Get Married Too
Disney Classics! (I want all them in the best quality)

...there is much more but this is all I thought of on the spot so expect this to be update!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I don't know why but I've been feeling a bit distant. I'm more to myself. I mean I want to do stuff but when opportunities come I don't jump on it to much or with much enthusiasm. I do love the alone time but this was not meant for me!! I believe that having nothing to do is really driving me nuts. I have never not have anything to do! [sorry about the grammar error hehe] I am an active person and I love that! For all my life and no I literally am doing nothing and it's not even by choice. I wait daily with my computer on all day within reach for something to happen for a job or just for the days to move quicker. I must say though, time is moving at a steady pace. I just can't wait till I gain purpose again! I don't know how bums make it :|



Sunday, June 6, 2010

A pic I dec-ed out while on picnik! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not claim the images in this pic as my own. However, I do claim the design and organization of the pics.

Summer Drainage!!!

I don't know if it's the heat or that fact that I have nothing to do daily but I feel drained. I have nothing to look forward too (besides going to Univ.) daily and as each day passes I feel like it's been wasted. The computer has been my absolute biffl and I'm actually getting annoyed with it because it has sooo much potential to entertain but can be sooo boring! You guys please give me some new free sites to check out! I really need a job pronto because I feel like a bum with no money. I have things to do, and things to buy its ridic! YouTube is entertaining me for sooo long but I have already watched all my subscriptions, twitter is only buzzing about the game and the mtv movie awards and facebook is just a dud! Oh and I've dec-ed out some pics on picnik and will post them for you to enjoy. Any-who, maybe I should write a blog daily to help with this EXTREME BOREDOM!

Hair Talk:
BTW, I have my hair in box braid extensions and it's been 3 weeks now!! I'm doing good lol although I was tempted to take them out today and a few days ago. However, I will push through to my 6 week goal...well at least 4/5! It's rough but then I realize the benefits of it just being able to put up in a style that is appropriate for any occasion. I can't take the smell of the braids but thats an easy fix with a wash. However, I do not wash frequently because I don't want to strip my scalp. My next mission with my hair is to perfect my relaxer stretching skills and find methods and products that'll help me to do this. So if you have any suggestions, comments, ideas, you know what to do!!


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Yo! hows ya doing lol..I'm just chilling by one of my besties! We did sooo much fool. We hid our faces out of chatroulette convos and got the people to do compromising things then we told them we were filming and sending it to the police or something silly like that (we we're). It was hilarious to see how quickly they went off our screen. Maybe that'll teach em to use chatroulette for positive things lol. Maybe we'll play the Wii.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Beach Day/ Dolphin Encounter! The AFTERMATH

I am so tired but I had sooooo much fun!! We went and danced and kissed the dolphins and took photos [shall be posted soon :)]. Dolphins are such smart creatures and they are soooo playful! They love to put on a show however, I learnt today that the ones I interacted with are not like the ones in the wild, so you should at least keep 100 yards from them in the wild for their safety as well as yours [tip of the day ;)]. Afterwards we went over to Blue Lagoon Beach and just chilled in the big donut tubes, then we 'stole' a pedal boat LOL (apparently we were supposed to rent em but everything was ok). Then we went in their new "AquaLand type Park" where they had water trampolines and obstacle courses as well as this huge blow up slide! It was a blast because me, my bestie and her lil bro got in free :). I guess we were their PR representatives. I also won a Pina Colada by just bringing 3 buckets filled with sands! Woohoo me!! LOL but I had a blast with my Biffl and her family.

Out~ PwincesShay <3

Beach Day/Dolphin Encounter!!

I'm sooooo excited to be with my bestie from long time lol Ashley! She invited me to come with her and her family to Dolphin Encounters (Bahamas). It's gonna be great! I've never been on a dolphin encounter but she invited me before to a seal encounter. I shall update you guys later today :) Fun Fun Fun ;)

Out~ PwincesShay <3

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My YouTube Channel


So I finally got a blog to vent and share with you guys my random thoughts. Join me as I take you through this wonderful land of PwincesShay's thoughts and silly ideas. It's a fun for all when with me and be prepared to enjoy what you're reading. This blog is all new to me so I'm going to be playing around with it a lot. However, do expect a lot of things from my youtube channel and share this with those you know would enjoy it!!!
YouTube: PwincesShay [click on my website ;) ]

ShayMarie :)